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25 February 2021

Sustainability : Water

More than
of our water requirements
are met by our own sources

An average of just over
4 litres
of water is used per litre
of beverage produced

More than
of our production is packaged
in returnable bottles

  • NBL is the biggest industrial consumer of water in Windhoek. Water is vital to our operations: it is the primary ingredient in our products and is used in almost all our manufacturing processes.
  • Following a sustained regional drought in 2016, NamWater, as the national bulk supplier of water to the City of Windhoek, announced a 40% requirement for water savings. At that time, NBL obtained licences from the Department of Water Affairs to drill two boreholes on our premises. We implemented further water-saving options, such as the migration of production to other areas, including the Sedibeng Brewery in Johannesburg, reclamation in the brewing and packaging plants, and water reduction measures in the production process.
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