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25 February 2021

Sustainability : Electricity

  • Our biomass boiler at the Windhoek brewery was a first for Namibia and is the biggest wood boiler in the country.
  • It replaced the use of approximately 4.6 million litres of heavy fuel oil since it was taken into production in 2017. This equates to a CO2 emissions reduction of 12 300 tons.
  • We are on track to generate 80% of our thermal energy with the biomass boiler by 2020.
  • The boiler uses wood chips sourced from pervasive invader bush, thereby clearing land for use and improving the carrying capacity of farms. From inception to date, invader bush thinning has been completed for approximately 3 000 hectares.
  • Namibia Breweries Limited (NBL) in conjunction with O&L Energy has announced the official approval of a 1 MW on-grid solar photovoltaic (PV) facility that will be the largest roof-mounted PV plant in Africa to date.
  • The rooftop solar plant meets more than 7% of our electricity demand. Overall, the solar plant has provided us with approximately 8 958 574 kWh of green energy, thereby saving 8 958 tons of CO2 emissions.
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