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23 September 2020

NBL reaffirms support of the Intelligence Support Against Poaching

Namibia Breweries Limited (NBL) – a subsidiary of the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group reaffirmed its support of the Intelligence Support Against Poaching (ISAP) with an extended Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the two parties last week.

For the past four years (since 2015), NBL has strengthened ISAP’s operations with an annual sponsorship of N$100 000, 00 through its brand Windhoek Lager, and has in 2017 further strengthened the fight against poaching, with the donation of the Piper Super Cub named “The Protector” as an additional tool to ISAP. Fritz Kaufmann, ISAP Director: “The yearly financial support from NBL over the years has been a big contributor to ISAP’s ability to function. The donation of the two-seater Air Craft (The Protector) has given ISAP the capability to assist the authorities in Namibia. ‘The Protector’ is used for tracking collared animals, follow-up on poachers, air support for ISAP operations, Carcass locations, and patrols in national parks and private reserves.”

Significant achievements for ISAP since inception, according to Kaufmann include a steady flow of information from the public to the authorities. Kaufmann: “Numerous arrests have been made by the authorities due to information given to them by ISAP. We have seen the apprehension of poachers on all fronts, and the building of a training facility where training and awareness of environmental issues are tabled and discussed, as well as workshops on various topics.”

Last week NBL committed to continue its support of N$100 000, 00 annually to ISAP, for an indefinite duration. NBL Managing Director, Marco Wenk: “We have seen a significant difference made by ISAP in the fight against poaching in Namibia as well as its contribution to protecting our environment. We are inspired by ISAP’s commitment to, and passion for curbing the senseless poaching in Namibia, which in turn makes it easy to continue in this relationship.“

Kaufmann stressed that the commitment from NBL has enabled ISAP to not only fight poaching in Namibia, but to also pay attention to all environmental issues. Kaufmann: “The general support from the broader public has grown significantly, and ISAP has become a household name in the fight against environmental crime. This is also due to the partnership with NBL as it has placed ISAP on the map as well as giving it credibility.”

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